In the past few weeks several new employees have joined RHA. There are now 17 people in 13 full time positions at the institution in addition to RHA housing one position for the Ministry of Industry and Tourism. That position is held by Tómas Þór Tómasson who is working on the 2nd stage of the Master plan for hydro and geothermal energy resources.
In the past few weeks several new employees have joined RHA. There are now 17 people in 13 full time positions at the institution in addition to RHA housing one position for
the Ministry of Industry and Tourism. That position is held by Tómas Þór Tómasson who is working on the 2nd stage of the Master plan for hydro and geothermal energy
resources. Sigmar Arnarsson, Bjarni Eiríksson and Sigrún Björk Sigurðardóttir started working for RHA in June and July this year. All three are in part-time
positions. Sigmar is working on northern issues for the Northern Research Forum (NRF) with Guðrún Rósa Þórsteinsdóttir, the director of RHA, who is also
the head of the NRF secreteriat. Bjarni coordinates the visit of the United Nations University - Fisheries training programme (UNU-FTP) fellows as the University of Akureyri (UNAK)
co-operates with UNU-FTP regarding teaching, special courses and final projects. Sigrún Björk works as a research assistant and works on a variety of projects. This autumn
Sigrún Sif Jóelsdóttir og Hjalti S. Hjaltason joined the group. Sigrún will, among other things, work as a specialist on a project on the socio-economic impacts of
the aluminum plant and hydro project construction in Eastern-Iceland. Hjalti is now working as a research assistance specialist but will stand in for Ólína Freysteinsdóttir in
her leave as the project manager of UNAK‘s research administration later this fall.