SeGI - Services of General Interest

ESPON verkefninu SeGI - Indicators and Perspectives for Services of General Interest in Territorial Cohesion and Development lauk á síðasta ári. Var RHA meðal 11 stofnana sem þátt tóku í verkefninu og vann Hjalti Jóhannesson einkum að rannsóknum fyrir okkar hönd.

Lokaráðstefna ESPON-verkefnisins KITCASP

RHA, HA og NRF á Arctic Circle

Breytingar á starfsmannahaldi RHA

Megaproject planning in the Circumpolar North

Samfélagshlutverk háskóla

Vinna í fullum gangi við EU-NET ADB

Rannsóknaþing Norðursins - Okkar ísháða veröld

RHA tekur þátt í Vísindavöku Rannís

The 6th Open Assembly of the Northern Research Forum “Our Ice Dependent World”

Addressing the three „poles“, the Arctic, the Himalayans and Antarctica was held in Hveragerði, Iceland 3. - 6. September 2011.

The Open Assembly was organized by the Northern Research Forum (NRF) and its co-organizing partners from Norway, and hosted by the University of Akureyri in Iceland.

The main objective was to address the impact of dwindling ice – terrestrial, the Arctic, the Himalayans and Antarctica as well as ocean bound – globally and on the complex interface of nature and society in all climatic zones of the world. In light of the man-made part of climate change, particularly meaning global warming, natural ice as a common heritage of humankind is gradually becoming a concept of global politics. Indeed, “a world without ice” would not only look different, but affect societal life in quite dramatic ways on a global scale.